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What Patients Can Expect with Chin Augmentation Recovery

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Chin augmentationChin surgery may involve the use of implants to create better definition in the jawline. Dr. David Passaretti inserts chin implants through a small incision in the mouth. Chin augmentation recovery differs from other cosmetic procedures performed at our Fairfield, CT facility. To ensure a smooth and swift recovery process, Dr. Passaretti provides each of his patients with detailed post-operative instructions. Following these guidelines can help patients understand what to expect and when to call with concerns. To learn more about chin augmentation surgery and recovery, contact our staff today.

Drainage, Bruising, and Swelling

Because Dr. Passaretti inserts the implant through an incision under the chin, you may notice some drainage of fluids after surgery. This should last only a couple days.

You will also see swelling and bruising in the face and neck in the days following your surgery. To minimize these side effects, we advise patients to sleep with their head elevated for at least two or three nights. You can also use ice packs on the chin and lip areas. It may take up to two weeks for the swelling and bruising to begin to subside.


Dr. Passaretti will provide you with pain medication following your surgery to alleviate any discomfort. Make sure to take the medications as directed to minimize any side effects. He will also prescribe an antibiotic to reduce your risk of infection. Make sure you take the full course of antibiotics as directed.


We recommend eating light meals in the first few days following your surgery. You may experience numbness and stiffness in the lips and chin, which may make chewing difficult. You should also avoid any foods that are extremely hot. Chew carefully so you do not disturb the sutures inside your mouth.

Things to Avoid

You should avoid putting any pressure on your chin, either with the hand during the day or when sleeping, for a full six weeks. Continuing to sleep with your head elevated can help. You can usually shower and wash your face within 48 hours after your surgery, but do so gently.

You can and should resume brushing your teeth as soon as possible, but be gentle around the incisions. You do not want to disturb the sutures while brushing your teeth. For one to two weeks, you should avoid strenuous physical activities, as well as bending over. Light activities such as walking are encouraged. Try to limit excess facial movements, like smiling or laughing, for one to two weeks.

Returning to Normal

Due to swelling, your chin may look too large after your surgery. It may take several weeks for the swelling to completely fade. Once it does, you will see your final results. Dr. Passaretti can advise you on when you can return to your normal activity levels based on your healing progress.

Get More Detailed Post-operative Instructions

For more information about chin augmentation recovery, contact our plastic surgery office today.

If you are considering plastic surgery in Darien, CT, or anywhere around Fairfield County, contact us to schedule a one-on-one consultation with top plastic surgeon Dr. Passaretti.

722 Post Rd, Ste 201, Darien, CT 06820